Let Yourself Be Inspired

We all have a person in our lives that makes us want to do better. It could be a family member, significant other, a friend...this person sparks something inside of you that makes you think you should be acting differently.

Over the years, I have noticed that people act differently around me. My friends order less fries (or substitute them altogether) at lunch, or someone who's put on some weight feels compelled to explain their plight to me without prompting. I don't ask, people just tell.I'm not even the most FIT person out there. I guess I just have a reputation of taking care of myself (which I am super proud of, TBH).

To me it seems like people feel compelled to share because they want to do better, maybe even want my help, but can't commit.

It works the other way too, by the way. People who DO ask for my help but fall off the wagon will literally avoid me. Cut. Me. Off. Ghosted, as the cool kids would say. It's not my favorite thing, but I get it. Some people feel pressured because they said they would do something and they don't want to let me down. It's sweet, really, but it's a projection.

See, I am going to continue taking care of myself, regardless of what's going on in the world around me, or what the people around me choose to do. As Kevin Hart would say: do you, boo boo. What people are really afraid of is letting themselves down. I'm just a person, a face linked to accountability, but you are really only ever accountable to yourself. Not your coach, not your spouse, not even your kids.

At the end of the day, are you doing the best you can? Are you showing up? Are you following through? Are you putting your best effort?

If you have someone in your life who you feel compelled to explain yourself to, who you would absolutely hate to disappoint (maybe even lie to in order to avoid disappointing), let yourself be inspired by that. Realize that you only care about that person's opinion because some part of you, however small, wants to do better.

Follow that spark that this person lights in you and let it be the catalyst for the change you want to make. Be the person that you believe they deserve to have in their life, and be the person worthy of their respect and admiration.

We all need a little motivation sometimes, and regardless of where it comes from, you're the one doing the work, and you're the one who will reap the benefits.


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