THIS is NONE of Your Business

I once read in a book that what other people think about you is none of your business. 

It took me a few reads of that line for it to really sink in. 

    It's none of my business?   

    It's none of my business. 
    It's none of my business?

WHY is it none of my business?

Because it's a thought in someone else's head, and what happens in someone else's head has no impact on me whatsoever. The only opinion of me that matters is the one that I have. It's truly none of my business what goes on inside of a mind that is not my own and that mentality has been a game changer for me. 

I have to confess: I like to be liked. I have met people who genuinely don't give AF about what anyone else thinks of them. In fact, I'm married to one. My husband happily goes about his life, doing and saying as he pleases, never pausing to even consider what someone else may thing, much less someone he doesn't even care about. Now, that may sound incredibly self-absorbed, but the truth is that he just thinks so highly of himself that he doesn't need or want validation from anyone else. He has love for himself and that's all he needs. THAT is a level of self-love worth striving for. 

Oftentimes, people (especially women) refrain from speaking their truth or going after their dreams because they're afraid of what other people might say. It's tough to overcome criticism or judgment, especially coming from people you care about. Well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but guess what? People are criticizing and judging you right now, as you read this post. People you work with, people you love, even people you barely know; they're forming opinions about you that you may never even know about. Here you are, holding back the things you want to say and do, and you're being judged anyway. 

Annoying, isn't it? 

Listen. There will always be some reason not to do whatever it is that's in your heart right now. Maybe it's not the right time, you don't have the right skills, there's no room in your budget...whatever it is, you don't need to add to the list by being concerned with what people might say. They are going to talk about you regardless of how you choose to live your life, so why not go ahead and live it the way that you really want to? 

Remind yourself, as often as necessary, that this is your life and that you are the only person who has to live with whatever words you speak and actions you take. What anyone besides you has to say about it is none of your business. 


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