The Mami-Hood Lesson I Had to Learn

As a mom, the issues/crises affecting our world today hit me differently.

I don't just worry about myself, but about my children, their future children, and their future children's children. I worry about the world that they will inherit, and the fact that it's my job to teach them how to navigate it.

To say that it's a huge responsibility is a gross understatement. This weight that I carry on my heart is heavy enough to make me catch my breath and lie awake at night, eventually sneaking into my babies' rooms to watch them sleep.

How on Earth can I guard that peace?

I can't.

There is SO much about my children's lives that will have absolutely nothing to do with me. They will have their own experiences, be influenced by different people, and eventually create their own beliefs. Sure, now that they're small I have a lot of say-so over the who, what and when in their day-to-day, but that won't always be the case.

My role is to be their guide, and I have to be ready.

I have to be ready to soothe them when they can't sleep at night.
I have to be ready to hold them as they cry after their first heartbreak.
I have to be ready to respond thoughtfully when they ask those difficult questions...

"...but I thought the police are SUPPOSED to arrest people, mami..."

I have to be ready.

But how?

Prayer. Meditation. Journaling. Exercising.

These things may seem unrelated, but they are what keep me sane. This is the way I guard my spirit and protect my peace.

Worrying, for a mother, is as natural and effortless as breathing. We don't do it on purpose, and often don't realize it's even happening. It's a natural state of existence.

It's also fruitless.

We can not give our energy to things and forces that are beyond our control. One very important mami-hood lesson I've learned is that there is next to nothing I can control outside of myself, so that is where most of my energy goes.

I give my worries to a higher power and go on about my life, not worried, but ready.

My hope for all of you who have little pieces of your heart walking around on tiny legs is that you do the same. Take care of yourself, protect your peace, and you will always be ready for whatever the day brings.

Peace, love, & light, amigos!


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