Hey Friend, Your Purpose Isn't Something That You FIND...

So many people are living unsatisfied. They wake up, they go to work, they pay their bills, but there's something missing. Most of us need a reason to get up in the morning. Not just any reason, but one that compels us to get up and get going. A purpose. So many people are frustrated because they haven't found their purpose, and they will keep going around in circles until they realize a fundamental truth.

See, your life's purpose isn't something that you figure out. That implies that you're just supposed to stumble upon it, or that the heavens will open up one day and you'll be able to look up and see exactly what you're supposed to be doing with your life. That sounds amazing, but it's made for movies, not for real life.

You get to CHOOSE how you want to live. 

What's going to get you out of bed every morning? What excites and motivates you? What do you WANT your life to stand for? Choose that thing and then live to fulfill it on purpose. Then, every single thing that you do will have meaning. No matter what your j-o-b is, you will do it with purpose and you will be happier for it.

My purpose is to be the best version of myself and to help others do the same. 

It sounds like two purposes, but they really go hand-in-hand. By being my best self, I inspire the people around me to do the same, sometimes unintentionally. Have you ever been in a room with someone who radiates confidence and suddenly felt more emboldened yourself? Not a coincidence. It's a real thing. Energy within radiates and it is contagious.

Now, I'm not implying that I have the power to change people's lives with my mere presence, but I have noticed over the years that the people I'm closest to are taking better care of themselves, and they often tell me that they're just "trying to keep up" The greatest compliments I receive are the ones that stem from people feeling better about themselves because of a small role I've played in their lives. Seriously, it's an honor.

Friends, don't try to find your purpose. Decide how you want to live and then act like you already are that person. Your purpose is to make other people smile? Smile more yourself, tell more jokes. Your purpose is to have financial freedom? Work your a** of and tighten those purse strings and see how quickly you start to experience abundance. It's not what you do, or even really how you do it, but WHY.

If you have a solid WHY, a compelling reason to go about living the way you do, you automatically inject purpose and meaning into everything you do.


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