Curlsmith Moisture Line Review

DevaCurl was my go-to holy grail for curly hair. I read The Curly Girl Method, bought all of the products, and followed the directions to the T to develop my curls into beautiful, defined little ringlets. Any time someone asked me how I took care of my curls, I would strongly suggest investing in this brand and gush about how it was worth every single penny.

SO, needless to say, I found myself in quite the pickle after the whole scandal that happened back in January (February?...definitely earlier this year. Honestly, 2020 has been so long that it feels like all of this happened years ago but ANYWAY). 

Fortunately, I'd experimented for years with different products and routines (shout out to my fellow product junkies!) I was trying to find alternatives to DevaCurl's prices, and I finally understood that I have to switch things up every now and then, as any die hard Curly Girl knows. I knew I could use lines like Kinky Curly and Not Your Mother's Curl Talk, but I was really looking for products that were more natural (read: with ingredients that I could actually pronounce).

One of my absolute-favorite Curly Girl YouTubers recommended CurlSmith (you can watch her video and tutorial HERE), so I did a little more research and decided to try it out.

The Price

One of the most important factors that I consider in my product selection is the price. I'm willing to spend a pretty penny for a product that works wonders on my hair, but what I'm really looking for is sustainability. I have to consider how long the product is going to last and then break the price down by months and decide if it's a reasonable amount to spend. (For example, my DC products were around $65 for the cleanser, conditioner and gel set, but would last me 2-3 months, so really it was only $21-ish a month, which was very doable). 

These are the products that I bought from the CurlSmith Moisture Line:

  • Curl Quenching Conditioning Wash ($25.00 12 fl.oz)
  • Double Cream Deep Quencher ($28.00 8 fl. oz)
  • Hold Me Softly Style Balm ($27 8 fl.oz)
  • In-Shower Style Fixer ($27.00 8 fl.oz)
  • Moisture Memory Reactivator $24.00 8 fl. oz)

After a month of use, I have only had to replace the Curl Quenching Conditioning Wash, and still have most of the other 4 products. The price seems to be comparable to what I was spending for DC products. 

The Process

Day One - On wash day, I used the Curl Quenching Conditioning Wash to cleanse, the Double Cream
Deep Quencher to deep condition (I left it in for 15 minutes...because 30 is entirely too long to sit in the shower), and the In-Shower Style Fixer. I used quite a bit of the conditioning wash, but for the Double Cream Deep Quencher, a little goes a very long way. It has a very creamy consistency and it melted right into my hair. It felt amazing and smelled SOOOO good!

According to the instructions on the bottle of the In-Shower Style Fixer, you're only supposed to use a dime-sized amount per section of your hair. The bottle states that it's a level 10 hold, so I was expecting mega-crunch, which I have zero problems with. In my curly world, the crunchier the better when it comes to day one hair, because that means there will be plenty of definition on days 2-5 (sometimes 6!) I followed those instructions and, honestly, I was unimpressed the very first wash day. My hair was fluffy by the end of the day, and I had to re-apply gel on day 2 to get some kind of definition (side note: gel is really a day one product. Day 2 should just be a refresher spray, and MAYBE a curl cream, y ya). On the next wash day, I used about a quarter-size amount and it was MUCH better.

Day Two- I sprayed my hair with the Moisture Memory Reactivator, instead of water, and then used the Hold me Softly Sytle Balm. This balm has very little hold, but there was still a crunch to my hair from wash day, so I really only needed a little to tame frizz and fly-aways, and the balm was perfect for that.

The Results 

On the first wash day, I used a whole lot of the Conditioning Wash, but with each additional wash day, I used less and less. I know from experience that the more you use a certain product, the less you need of it over time. 

My curls were pretty defined on day one, and there was enough crunch left on day two for definition, and a little more softness. 

My hair lasted all the way through day 4! All I had to do was use the Reactivator spray and Hold Me Softly Balm each additional day to keep the frizz to a minimum. 

As for volume, it got better with each day. Personally, I love my different volumes on each different day. A friend of mine once told me that my hair confused her because it looked different each time she saw me...I took that as a compliment! 

Should You Buy It? 

Yes! I will definitely be buying it again, but  I'm also a product junkie, so this is one more brand to add to my ever-growing arsenal, but what convinced me was the fact that the stuff works AND it's made with ingredients I've actually heard of (like avocado and aloe vera). The longer I live, the more interested I become in going more natural in all aspects of my life, right down to the stuff I put in my hair. 

Have you tried this line? Let me know what you think in the comments! 

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