Chronicles of a Writer in The Making

I want to be a writer. A real, published, pay-my-bills-with-my-words author of articles, books, you name it. It hit me about 4 years ago that this thing that I've always done could actually be a career. (Yes, I know that there are plenty of people who have real, professional writing careers, but it had never occurred to me that I could actually be one of them). So here I am, 4 years after this epiphany...and I'm still not a professional. Instead, I've stopped and started multiple projects and questioned my abilities each time. At the start of this year, I told myself that I'd have to do things differently if I wanted to take my work to the next level. If I want to be taken seriously, I have to be serious. What I'm sharing below is a literal page out of my journal from a day when I was struggling with inspiration: 14 - June - 2020 There are days when I wake up inspired. I could crank out 2 new blog posts, and 1,000 new words for my manuscript with no p...