This Program Changed My View on Fitness, and Now I Can't Live Without It!

I've been a member of the #fitnessjourney for about 4 years now, ever since I had my second baby and decided I was DONE with being fat. Don't get me wrong, I'm not here to body-shame anyone. I'm just saying that from the time I got pregnant with my first kid to right after delivering my second, I was uncomfortable in my own body, so I finally decided to do something about it.

Enter Beachbody 

If you haven't heard of it, Beachbody is a fitness company that sells and promotes all things fitness. My favorite thing about it is that it's not just a company selling workout programs, it's a group of people who believe that fitness takes place in the mind just as much as in the body. I was drawn in by the promise of abs in just 25 minutes a day, 5 days a week with a program called T25 (shout out to my favorite trainer, Shaun T!) and stayed for the personal development and soul-healing that came with it. 

What You Get

Depending on how old you are, you may remember the infomercials where you'd see people exercising on the TV and have to dial a number to order your DVD set with all of your routines, a calendar and some nutritional booklets. Well, they've upgraded. 


Now you can get a subscription to Beachbody On Demand, which is basically like Netflix, but for workout programs. Your subscription gets you access to Beachbody's full library of programs, nutritional guidance materials, access to the Beachbody community forums and you're automatically linked with a coach who can be your guide throughout your entire journey. (Click HERE if you are ready to sign up, and I will be your coach!)

Ok much does it cost?

If you're looking to get just the access to the workouts on demand, you have 3 options. There's a 3-month, 6-month, and 12-month subscription. The most bang for your buck is the 12-month subscription, at $99, billed every year on your BOD-aversary (I literally just made that up, ha!). 
The 6-month option is $59, billed semi-annually (totaling $118 for the year) and the 3-month option is $38.87, billed quarterly (About $156 for the year). 

In my experience, people are hesitant about signing up for the 12-month option because they aren't sure they'll actually use it. 

Oooh, a year? That's quite a commitment. I'm not even sure I'll last a month! 

First of all, that negativity is getting you nowhere, and second, it's way cheaper than any gym membership, and far more convenient.

Personally, I enjoy working out at home. I can do it in the early hours when everyone is still asleep, and it's actually what motivated me to be more consistent. I just knew I wasn't going to work out regularly if I had to wake up early, get dressed, get in my car, drive to the gym, and then proceed to fumble through machines and weights because I had no idea what I was doing...(I know, I paint quite the picture, don't I?)

Each of these programs comes with a calendar, so there's zero confusion involved. All you have to do is get dressed and press play, y ya

Is it Worth It?

The short answer is yes, it's absolutely worth it!

The other, longer, more honest answer is that it's only worth it if you're going to use it. When I first started my fitness journey, my goal was just to look good. I wanted to be able to eat whatever I wanted, workout a few minutes a day, maybe twice a week, and look like JLo. (Ah, my youth...I really did think that's what "anything is possible" meant). The brutal truth lies in one of my favorite phrases that I read in a book which, incidentally, I picked up because my Beachbody coach said I should: "Success = Consistency + Commitment + Time. You're only going to get out what you're willing to put in. You have to develop a routine, stick to it, and then (and this is the tough part) wait. Real results take real time, but I promise you will surprise yourself when you realize what you are capable of. 

Beachbody was the catalyst that launched my love of wellness and taking care of myself became my top priority. Every amazing thing that has happened to me since then has been part of the domino effect that ensues when you make the decision to take that first step towards making your health a priority. 

Ready to do this thing? Click HERE to get started! 

Still not convinced? Let's talk about it! Follow me on IG  and Facebook, and shoot me a message. I'm here for you!


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