DO NOT Weigh Yourself!! Celebrate Your Non-Scale Victories Instead

Picture this: You've been working hard for a couple of weeks now. You've been eating better, working out every day, drinking more water...I mean, you are really changing your life!

Curiosity gets the better of you and so you decide to step on the scale. Why not get a numerical measurement of the monumental progress you're making, right? So there you stand, barefoot, in your underwear (or completely naked if you are really looking for the best number), you look down between your feet and you see...nothing. Nada. You've lost a grand total of zero pounds in 14 days.

Your first thought? WTAF????

Your second thought will be to throw away all of your hard work and effort from the past two weeks (or however long you've been working and not seeing the results you want) and justify it because "the number on the scale isn't moving, anyway."

Hear me when I say this (literally, picture my face and hear my voice) ...

The scale is a liar! 

Losing weight is not all about losing actual pounds. There are so many other things happening to your body than actually weighing less. Clearer skin, a smaller waist, less belly bloat...these are all signs that you are, indeed, making progress, but they won't make the number on the scale move.

Friends, it's hard enough to start a completely new lifestyle. You have to be your own biggest fan. Love yourself, motivate yourself, and celebrate every positive change, no matter how tiny it may seem. Small changes, over time, yield massive results.

Let's put that in bold so you can really appreciate it...

Small changes, over time, yield massive results! 

Do not let the scale discourage you from continuing your journey. In fact, other than your visits to the doctor, you shouldn't step on a scale at all. Focus on other, smaller, non-scale victories to measure your progress instead. 

Non-Scale Victories are exactly what they sound like...victories that have absolutely nothing to do with the scale.

For example: 
  • Your jeans fit comfortably for the first time in years.
  • You made it through a particularly challenging workout without having to stop for a full break. 
  • You did push-ups on your toes!! (That is one that I still celebrate today, 4 years into this journey...those mamajammas are no joke!)
  • You said "no, thank you" to that second donut.
  • You've gotten up early and worked out every day for 5 straight days!! 
  • Your kids decided to workout with you and now it's something fun you do together everyday.
  • You have more energy than you've had in you-don't-even-know how long.
The scale will have you believing that your efforts aren't leading to any results, but this new path you're on is about so much more than the pounds you're losing. Never mind the scientific talk about how muscle weighs more than fat and your metabolism needs time to crank up and alllll of that.It's interesting, but not what matters. What really matters is how you feel, how often you show up for yourself, and even how much you're inspiring the people around you to do better for themselves as well. 

This is a journey. Remember how tough it was just to start? Then you showed up the first day, and the second, and each day since has brought you a little bit more strength, more confidence, and more love for yourself. 

Keep going! And stay far, far away from the scale. 


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