Staying On Track During the Holidays

Living a healthy lifestyle is challenging all the time, but during the holidays? It's so much harder. I don't know about y'all but I turn into a bear. I eat like I'm storing up for winter, and sleep like hibernation is a marathon that necessitates training.

In short, the struggle is real.

My solution to this problem is usually to just let myself go. I YOLO my way through life from November to January, squeeze in workouts when it's convenient and tell myself I'll do better when I get into the new year. The only problem is that I go into each new year rounder and heavier and it takes about 6 weeks to get back on track.

This year I promised myself to do better and stay on track during the cold months and see if I can emerge in the new year looking and feeling like my normal self. To do this, all I really have to do is keep up with my regular routine, but with zero breaks.

Scheduling workouts first thing in the morning - Each person does what works for them. There are people who can't drag themselves out of bed early in the morning, or who would rather work out at the end of the day to burn off their stress and unwind. For me, if it doesn't happen when I first wake up, it's not happening. I set my alarm for about 2 hours before I need to leave the house to have time to properly caffeinate and pray and then I get it done.

NO DAYS OFF - I know this one sounds insane. Who actually works out every single day? Someone who wants to stay in shape during hibernation season, that's who. I started a program called Morning Meltdown 100, which consists of 20-30 minute workouts for 100 straight days. Every 3-4 days there's a yoga/stretching routine so my body is not on overload, but I am committed to showing up every single day. On the days that I absolutely can't because, well, life, I just double up the next day.

Just say NO to sweets - This one is crazy hard because I have the biggest sweet tooth and at this time of year, my students and their parents love to shower me with candy, cookies, homemade flan (yummmmm). Having a treat is not a bad thing, but when you have a cookie and then a slice of cake and then a candy bar one after the the same day...multiple days in a row....that's no bueno. (And yes, in the past I really have done that....I'm basically diabetes on wheels). I can't bring myself to completely swear off for 3 months so I'm limiting it to one sweet treat a week.

Stay hydrated - It seems like a no-brainer, right? Wrong. In the winter months it's easy to forget to drink water because there's no heat or sweat reminding you that it's been a while since you drank something, like in the summer. It's just as important to stay hydrated in the winter. I aim to drink half of my body weight in ounces every day, which equals about 4 16 oz bottles of water. I drink one when I wake up, two while I'm at work, and another one before I go to bed.

Eat Clean - In addition to limiting sweets, I also limit junk food and carbs. I don't swear off carbs completely because it's just impossible in a Hispanic Household where rice and bread are staples, but I am very moderate in my portions. I eat mostly vegetables and chicken and when I do indulge in rice and bread, I only allow myself one serving per day.

My hope is that by being strict about my routine this season, I won't have to start all over come January. I hope this helps someone else out there!


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